Tuesday, November 3, 2009

this just in ... sort of

This post will lack the usual little nuggets of truths I try to unearth as an American in Beirut, as the first article I wrote for Executive magazine is now available free online here. I will post the rest as they become available, but in the meantime, read this story and then start saving the $200,000 so that we can all go into space together. It should also be noted that I wrote the post entitled "Oh Academia" just after I turned this story in.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma!
    Enjoyed your article.
    Agree with Eric, would love to hear more about the food there and that's wise advice about your daily commute.
    Also, would like to hear What is said about the U.S. and where "the news" comes from.
    Love always, Aunt Sue
